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5 /5 3 Ratings

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What Others Say

Saurabh Verma (chartered accountant(C.A.))

Decent hotel with clean bedrooms, 24 hours hot water facility, and Yes, the delicious food and the breakfast.

10-01-2023 03:32:37 pm
Niraj Kumar (Teacher)

We are a family of 06 stayed for a night in Hotel Dolphin International. The staff is polite and the rooms are much more spacious than we expected. Ghats and temples are nearby. Food is delicious... All over by are satisfied. Surely will recommend it...

10-01-2023 03:34:08 pm
Manikandan Narayanasamy (Business Man)

Nice excellent service provided by the staff and the hotel. The rooms and room services were so good and especially the food was so tasty. They also provide South Indian foods with native taste. Overall it is worth staying there.

10-01-2023 03:40:11 pm